Let’s put a limit to putting reminder-pins and sticky pads on your calendar every time you need to place an event post or need to update your diary with an event entry. How would you feel to have a unified platform where you could organise all your events, be it a notable ceremony which presumes your presence or a to-do task which needs your attention.
With more than just counting down to your best moments, Event Countdown also provides a built-in reminder functionality which lets you know about the event and details for the date and time added, so that you can always count on Event Countdown to keep you updated on your yearly, monthly and weekly plans. View your favourite events, Birthday, Wedding, Anniversary, Vacation and Other Holidays right there at the home screen portrayed in a timelined manner so that you always know which one is happening first.
★ Add multiple events for your preferred category according to your preference. Have two weddings coming up in this month? No problem, just let us count down the days for you.
★ We have added in a countdown timer for each of your events so that you can always know how much more steps are there to reach your day. Start preparing when you know it’s near.
★ Add a reminder for an event if you need to prepare yourself and who knows, maybe check-in to a gift shop to buy a fancy gift. Always keep yourself alerted prior to the day of the event.
★ Check your schedule and know when to pick the dates, right from the home screen itself with our customized home screen widget where you can get a quick peek at your favorite events lined up for you.
★ Deep link your searches to get your events in one shorter step by searching based on the added location or category. You know when and where to find your events with Event Countdown app.
★ Always keep it simple for a snappy pick-out using the filter option where you can view your events based on week, month or year. Get a perspective to arrange your occasions accordingly.
★ Get back to us and let us know how you feel about the app, and your ideas brought together which can help us in improving the app to your needs. Submit your feedback and start reaching us now.
A perfect memorandum for all your events lined up according to your preference. No more “save the date” memes. Event Countdown makes one step lighter for you, so that we can save each and every one of your occasions and memories in store for you. Everything from our history and everything you need can find can be at your reach in just a click. From searching and finding your dates to planning your customary outing to the gala, Event Countdown can be your cue to a one way date-planner.
Rolling out further updates to keep you use handy and smart, Event Countdown focuses in delivering not only just a timely solution, but also helps to your events handy and arranged.
Experience a simple yet unique solution to help you with your event reminders and notices, with Event Countdown.
Download now to explore more.